



The tables in this page describe the input data belonging to the v0003 distribution.

For any issue concerning the v0003 distribution, please contact: HAMMOZ input file requests

Available resolution

- R02B04 (icon_grid_0005_R02B04_G, with middle atmosphere)

- This distribution is based on raw input data in varying resolutions.
- This distribution is meant to be used together with the version: icon-hammoz-distrib-prerelease_1.0.
- Shaded table rows depict new data as compared to the last version v0002 .

What's new

  • Bugfix in the file, see issue #842 for details.
  • SST and sea ice data from AMIP_PCMDI v1.1.9 until Dec 2022.
  • Green shaded table rows depict new data as compared to the previous version v0002.

A list of the differences between v0002 and v0003 can be found in : diff_v0002_to_v0003.txt .


The distribution shall remain largely untouched once it has been released. It is possible that data sets are added, time periods are extended or another resolution is provided in the future.

Below is the history of the distribution v0003 since its release (2023-01-05):

  • 2023-01-05: Release
  • 2024-08-05: Added symlinks to the IAMC Scenario emission input files without the model name in the filename (issue #874 ECHAM-HAMMOZ)
  • 2024-08-07: Added AMIP-PCMDI v1.1.9 SST and sea ice data until Dec 2022

Preparation of the data

The files were prepared by Anne Kubin (TROPOS Leipzig).

All the scripts used for the preparation of the files of v0003 will be available soon in the gitlab repository


Explanation of the 'symbols' used in the table:

- "---" : data are resolution independent
- XXXX : data are yearly interpolated
- RES : data are dependent on horizontal resolution
- RCP*, ssp* : data are available for different scenarios



File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Lookup table for Growth Factor --- Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Lookup table for optical properties used by M7 --- Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Lookup table for optical properties --- Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Lookup table for total particle formation rate --- Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
solmin.txt Ion production rate for min solar activity --- Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
solmax.txt Ion production rate for max solar activity --- Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

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File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Comment / Related Issue Distribution of potential dust sources 0.5 x 0.5 Ina Tegen Tegen et al.(2002) [2], Stier et al.(2005) [3] Distribution of preferential dust sources 0.5 x 0.5 Ina Tegen Tegen et al.(2002) [2], Stier et al.(2005) [3] Region definition for regional dust scaling Tanja Stanelle / Anne Kubin #433, #817 MSG satellite-based map of dust source activation frequencies (DSAF) for prescribing potential dust sources in the Sahara 1 x 1 Bernd Heinold Schepanski et al (2007) [4] Oxidants fields from MACC T106LR L60 Martin Schultz Inness et al.(2012) [5] based on an 7-year (2003-2009) climatology Soil type 0.5 x 0.5 Ina Tegen / Yiran Peng Tegen et al.(2002) [2], Stier et al.(2005) [3], Xu et al.(2006) [6], Cheng et al.(2008) [7] #253 #842 Fraction of soil PH T63 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] #555 Surface roughness 0.5 x 0.5 Ina Tegen Tegen et al.(2002) [2], Stier et al.(2005) [3] Surface variables T63 Declan O'Donnell

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Emissions inventories

ACCMIP interpolated


- The accmip_interpolated dataset is missing the inter-annual variability in the biomassburning emissions since it is based on an interpolation of scenarios.
- Please see also #222 for some additional information about the reading of the emissions through the emi_spec.txt matrix

File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue
accmip_interpolated_emissions_RCP* emission of SPECIES in DOMAIN 0.5 x 0.5 Angelika Heil / Anne Kubin Lamarque et al. (2010) [8] SPECIES and DOMAIN are described in the table below, DOMAIN can be aircraft, anthropogenic, biomassburning, ships

The following table describes the files from the above table. Each row corresponds to a SPECIES and each column to a DOMAIN (aircraft, anthropogenic, biomassburning, ships and oceanic). The crosses indicate the existence of emissions data for the corresponding SPECIES and DOMAIN.

SPECIES name in HAMMOZ SPECIES name in filenames aircraft anthropogenic biomassburning ships
BC x x x x
OC x x x
SO2 x x x

Time coverage available:

icon_grid_0005_R02B04_G: 1980-2030

Available scenarios: RCP26, RCP45, RCP85

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AEROCOM_II emissions

Ref: outdated: -

- The following emission files are coming from the AEROCOM (and not AEROCOM II) dataset.

File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue
continuous_volcanoes.dat Continuous volc emissions --- Frank Dentener Dentener et al.,(2006) [9] #313, #555, units included
explosive_volcanoes.dat Eruptive volc emissions --- Frank Dentener Dentener et al.,(2006) [9] #313, #555, units included terrestrial DMS emissions 1 x 1 Philip Stier Dentener et al.,(2006) [9] , Pham, M. et al.,(1995) [10] #555, units included OC biogenic emissions 1 x 1 Philip Stier Dentener et al.,(2006) [9], Guenther et al (1995) [11] #580, Name miscellaneous, the file is based on GEIA Inventory for 1990.

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- Inventory which is intended for historical anthropogenic emissions in CMIP6/AerChemMIP simulations (#603)
- The date of the emissions in the monthly files is 1st of the month. See issue #639.
- Most recent release v2021-04-21 included, extended period of data coverage until 2019
- Earlier release of the data v2017-xx-yy (prepared for CMIP6) is provided here as well. It is harmonized with the IAMC SSP emission scenarios at the end of the year 2014 and should be used to avoid discontinuities when the focus of the simulation is on longer time scales.

Ref: - - -
README: attachment:README.ceds.txt
README new Version 2021: attachment:README.ceds_2021-04-21.txt

File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Original file version Comments / Related issue
em-anthropogenic_input4MIPs_emissions_CMIP_CEDS-2017_SPECIES_XXXX_RES*.nc anthropogenic emission of SPECIES 0.5 x 0.5 Anne Kubin Hoesly et al. (2018) [12] v2017-05-18 #619, #621 ,#631, #639
em-aircraft_input4MIPs_emissions_CMIP_CEDS-2017_SPECIES_XXXX_RES*.nc aircraft emission of SPECIES 0.5 x 0.5 Anne Kubin Hoesly et al. (2018) [12] v2017-08-30 for BC & OC, v2017-10-05 for SO2 #581, #619, #621,#631, #639
em-anthropogenic_input4MIPs_emissions_CMIP_CEDS_SPECIES_XXXX_RES*.nc anthropogenic emission of SPECIES 0.5 x 0.5 Anne Kubin Hoesly et al. (2018) [12] McDuffie et al. (2020) [13] v2021-04-21 #619, #621 ,#631, #639
em-aircraft_input4MIPs_emissions_CMIP_CEDS_SPECIES_XXXX_RES*.nc aircraft emission of SPECIES 0.5 x 0.5 Anne Kubin Hoesly et al. (2018) [12] McDuffie et al. (2020) [13] v2021-04-21 #581, #619, #621,#631, #639

Available SPECIES are BC, OC and SO2
V* is the version of raw files:
Version date is not included in the file name for the new version 2021-04-21
Version date 2017 is included in the file name for the earlier version
anthropogenic files: V* = v2017-05-18 ; aircraft files: V* = v2017-08-30 (BC & OC), V* = v2017-10-05 for SO2

Time coverage available:

CMIP6 (CEDS-2017): 1980-2015,
New Version 2021-04-21: 1850, 1980-2019

Other years or resolutions are available on request at HAMMOZ input file requests

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CMIP6biomassburning - CMIP6 Open Biomass Burning Emissions

- Inventory which is intended for historical biomass burning emissions in CMIP6/AerChemMIP simulations (#603)
- Depending on the time period, the data are based either on a combination of FIRE-MIP model output and visibility records (1750-1996) (attachment:CMIP6biomassburn_datasource_until_1996.pdf) or on Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED) version 4s (1997-2015) (attachment:CMIP6biomassburn_datasource_from_1997.pdf).
- The date of the emissions in the monthly files is 1st of the month. See issue #639.

Ref.: - -

File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Original file version Comments / Related issue
em-biomassburning_input4MIPs_emissions_CMIP_VUA-CMIP-BB4CMIP6-1-2_gn_totfire_SPECIES_XXXX_RES*.nc biomass burning emission of SPECIES 0.25 x 0.25 Anne Kubin van Marle et al. (2017) [14] v1.2 (2016-12-13) #629, #639

Available SPECIES are : BC, C2H6S, OC, SO2

Time coverage available: 1850, 1980 - 2015
Other years or resolutions are available on request at HAMMOZ input file requests

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GFAS wildfire emissions


- Daily wildfire emissions are recommended to be used for model evaluation. Simulations with daily GFAS emission data show better agreement with observations than simulations with monthly AeroCom emissions (Veira et al., 2015) [15].
- Global GFAS emissions for SO2, BC, OC and C2H6S (DMS) are by default multiplied with the recommended official scaling factor of 3.4 (Kaiser et al, 2012) [16] in the emi_spec-file.

File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Original file version Comments / Related issue
daily/ emission of SPECIES 0.1x0.1 Anne Kubin CAMS GFAS #361
monthly/ emission of SPECIES 0.1x0.1 Anne Kubin CAMS GFAS #361

Available SPECIES are: bc, oc, so2, c2h6s

Time coverage: 2003 until 2021

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IAMC scenarios

Ref: -

- Inventory which is intended for future aerosols emissions in CMIP6/AerChemMIP simulations (#603)
- The anthropogenic files are identical in format and definition to the historical data (CEDS inventory version 2017) with the exception of the years covered.

File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Original file version Comments / Related issue
em-anthro_input4MIPs_emissions_IAMC-SCEN* anthropogenic emission of SPECIES 0.5 x 0.5 Anne Kubin Gidden et al. (2019) [17] 1-1 (2018-06-21 and 2018-07-12)
em-AIR-anthro_input4MIPs_emissions_IAMC-SCEN* aicraft emission of SPECIES 0.5 x 0.5 Anne Kubin Gidden et al. (2019) [17] 1-1 (2018-06-21 and 2018-07-12)
em-openburning_input4MIPs_emissions_IAMC-SCEN* open burning emission of SPECIES 0.5 x 0.5 Anne Kubin Gidden et al. (2019) [17] 1-1 (2018-06-21 and 2018-07-12)

Available SPECIES are BC, OC and SO2
Available scenarios (SCEN*) are : ssp126 , ssp245 , ssp370 , ssp585

Time coverage available: 2015-2030

Other years, resolutions or scenarios are available on request at HAMMOZ input file requests

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File name Brief description Source resolution Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue DMS sea-water concentration 1x1 Silvia Kloster Lana et al.,(2011) [18] #170

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- These files are an exact mirror of the icon input data of MPI-Met (


File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue
kinne/R02B04/ Optical properties in the thermal spectral range Stephan Kinne / Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
kinne/R02B04/ Optical properties of coarse mode aerosols in the solar spectral range Stephan Kinne / Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
kinne/R02B04/ Optical properties of fine mode aerosols in the solar spectrum Stephan Kinne / Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Only the file for 1865 is kept, the changes of aerosols due to anthropogenic emissions will be computed by MACv2-SP
stenchikov/ Optical properties of aerosols in the thermal spectral range Stephan Kinne / Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

Time period covered for Stenchikov data: 1977-1999

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue
kinne/R02B04/ Optical properties in the thermal spectral range Stephan Kinne / Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
kinne/R02B04/ Optical properties of coarse mode aerosols in the solar spectral range Stephan Kinne / Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
kinne/R02B04/ Optical properties of fine mode aerosols in the solar spectrum Stephan Kinne / Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

Time period covered: 1845-2100

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue Mid year values for CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Mid year values for CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Mid year values for CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Mid year values for CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Coefficients for the Cariolle ozone parameterization Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Mid year values for CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Mid year values for CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] mole_fraction_of_methane Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] mole_fraction_of_nitrous_oxide Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] mole_fraction_of_cfc11 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] mole_fraction_of_cfc12 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

The files in the sub-directory cmip5/bc_greenhouse_rcp?? are identical with those in the basedir.
The file in the sub-directory cmip6/ is identical with in the basedir.

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This is a link to the directory preliminary_grids.

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue Initial data Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Initial data Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue
cmip5/R02B04/ Ozone VMR Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
cmip6/R02B04/ Ozone VMR Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
cmip6/R02B04/ Ozone VMR Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
cmip6/R02B04/ Ozone VMR Anne Kubin

Time periods covered:
cmip5: 1978-2008 rcp45_2009
cmip6: 1978-2014 (historical) 2015-2099 (scenarios)

Available Scenarios (SCEN):
cmip6: ssp126, ssp245, ssp370, ssp585

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue Grid file Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue
R02B04/land/ Fraction of land, lake, glacier and PFTs Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
R02B04/land/ Fraction of land, lake, glacier, vegetation Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
R02B04/land/ Leaf Area Index, vegetation ratio, albedo of veg and soil, roughness length Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
R02B04/land/ Soil depth, root depth, field capacity etc. Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
R02B04/land/ Sub-grid scale orography Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
R02B04/land/ Soil initial conditions Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue
R02B04/land/ Sub-grid scale orography Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue Monthly spectral solar irradiance in 14 RRTM bands, SSI based on data by J. Lean as recommended for CMIP5 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Monthly spectral solar irradiance in 14 RRTM bands, SSI as provided by HEPPA/SOLARIS as recommended for CMIP6 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
3.2/ Monthly spectral solar irradiance in 14 RRTM bands, SSI as provided by HEPPA/SOLARIS and recommended for CMIP6 (v3.2) Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
3.2/ SSI as provided by HEPPA/SOLARIS and recommended for CMIP6 (v3.2) Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
source/ CMIP6 solar forcing for piControl by HEPPA/SOLARIS Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
source/ CMIP6 solar forcing historic (1850-2014) + future reference scenario (2015-2299) by HEPPA/SOLARIS Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue
1.1.2/ Constructed mid-month Sea Surface Temperature Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
1.1.2/ Constructed mid-month Sea-ice area fraction Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]
1.1.7/ Constructed mid-month Sea Surface Temperature Anne Kubin
1.1.7/ Constructed mid-month Sea-ice area fraction Anne Kubin
1.1.9/ Constructed mid-month Sea Surface Temperature Anne Kubin
1.1.9/ Constructed mid-month Sea-ice area fraction Anne Kubin

Time period covered:
1.1.2: 1978-2016
1.1.7: 1978-2020
1.1.9: 1978-2022

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue Surface aerea density of stratopheric aerosol Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Surface aerea density of stratopheric aerosol, Mean Radiative properties averaged over 1850 and 2014 Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1] Surface aerea density of stratopheric aerosol Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

Time period covered:

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File name Brief description Author / Contact person Reference Comments / Related issue vegetation ratio Sebastian Rast /pool/data - MPI-Meteorology [1]

This file has been interpolated from T63 ECHAM-HAMMOZ input.

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Reference papers

[1] /pool/data MPI-Meteorology

[2] Tegen, I., S. P. Harrison, K. E. Kohfeld, I. C. Prentice, M. C. Coe, and M. Heimann, 2002. The impact of vegetation and preferential source areas on global dust aerosol: Results from a model study. J.Geophys.Res.,107, doi:10.1029/2001JD000963. doi:10.1029/2001JD000963.

[3] Stier, P., J. Feichter, S. Kinne, S. Kloster, E. Vignati, J. Wilson, L. Ganzeveld, I. Tegen, M. Werner, Y. Balkanski, M. Schulz and O. Boucher, 2005. The aerosol-climate model ECHAM5-HAM. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 1125-1156.

[4] Schepanski, K., I. Tegen, B. Laurent, B. Heinold, and A. Macke (2007), A new Saharan dust source activation frequency map derived from MSG-SEVIRI IR-channels, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L18803, doi:10.1029/2007GL030168.

[5] Inness, A. et al. 2012. The MACC reanalysis: An 8-year dataset of atmospheric composition, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 12, 31247–31347.

[6] Xu X., Jason K. Levy, Lin Zhaohui, Chen Hong, An investigation of sand-dust storm events and land surface characteristics in China using NOAA NDVI data, Global and Planetary Change, Volume 52, Issues 1-4, Monitoring and Modelling of Asian Dust Storms, July 2006, Pages 182-196, ISSN 0921-8181, DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2006.02.009. (

[7] Cheng, T., Peng, Y., Feichter, J., and Tegen, I., 2008. An improvement on the dust emission scheme in the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM5-HAM, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 1105-1117, doi:10.5194/acp-8-1105-2008.

[8] Lamarque J. F. et al., 2010. Historical (1850–2000) gridded anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of reactive gases and aerosols: methodology and application, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 7017-7039, doi:10.5194/acp-10-7017-2010 (

[9] Dentener, F., et al., 2006. Emissions of primary aerosol and precursor gases in the years 2000 and 1750, prescribed data-sets for AEROCOM, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc., 6, 2703–2763.

[10] Pham, M., Muller, J., Brasseur, G., Granier, C., and Megie, G., 1995 : A Three-Dimensional Study of the Tropospheric Sulfur Cycle, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 26 061–26 092.1089,1108.

[11] Guenther, A., et al., 1995, A global model of natural volatile organic compound emissions, J. Geophys. Res., 100(D5), 8873–8892, doi:10.1029/94JD02950.

[12] Hoesly, R. M., Smith, S. J., Feng, L., Klimont, Z., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Pitkanen, T., Seibert, J. J., Vu, L., Andres, R. J., Bolt, R. M., Bond, T. C., Dawidowski, L., Kholod, N., Kurokawa, J.-I., Li, M., Liu, L., Lu, Z., Moura, M. C. P., O'Rourke, P. R., and Zhang, Q., 2018 : Historical (1750–2014) anthropogenic emissions of reactive gases and aerosols from the Community Emissions Data System (CEDS) , Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 369-408,

[13] McDuffie, E. E., Smith, S. J., O'Rourke, P., Tibrewal, K., Venkataraman, C., Marais, E. A., Zheng, B., Crippa, M., Brauer, M., and Martin, R. V., 2020: A global anthropogenic emission inventory of atmospheric pollutants from sector- and fuel-specific sources (1970–2017): an application of the Community Emissions Data System (CEDS) , Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 3413–3442,

[14] van Marle, M. J. E., Kloster, S., Magi, B. I., Marlon, J. R., Daniau, A.-L., Field, R. D., Arneth, A., Forrest, M., Hantson, S., Kehrwald, N. M., Knorr, W., Lasslop, G., Li, F., Mangeon, S., Yue, C., Kaiser, J. W., and van der Werf, G. R., 2017: Historic global biomass burning emissions for CMIP6 (BB4CMIP) based on merging satellite observations with proxies and fire models (1750–2015) , Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3329-3357,

[15] Veira, A., Kloster, S., Schutgens, N. A. J., and Kaiser, J. W., 2015: Fire emission heights in the climate system – Part 2: Impact on transport, black carbon concentrations and radiation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 7173-7193, doi:10.5194/acp-15-7173-2015.

[16] Kaiser, J. W., et al. 2012: Biomass burning emissions estimated with a global fire assimilation system based on observed fire radiative power, Biogeosciences, 9, 527–554, doi:10.5194/bg-9-527-2012.

[17] Gidden, M. J., Riahi, K., Smith, S. J., Fujimori, S., Luderer, G., Kriegler, E., van Vuuren, D. P., van den Berg, M., Feng, L., Klein, D., Calvin, K., Doelman, J. C., Frank, S., Fricko, O., Harmsen, M., Hasegawa, T., Havlik, P., Hilaire, J., Hoesly, R., Horing, J., Popp, A., Stehfest, E., and Takahashi, K., 2019: Global emissions pathways under different socioeconomic scenarios for use in CMIP6: a dataset of harmonized emissions trajectories through the end of the century , Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 1443–1475,

[18] Lana, A., et al., 2011. An updated climatology of surface dimethlysulfide concentrations and emission fluxes in the global ocean, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 25, GB1004,